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Join us LIVE at 9:30 AM & 11:00 AMPrevious Messages
In My Family
In this message Pastor Bill will discuss the importance of being present in your home and family lif...
Intentional Living
In this timely message Pastor Bill will speak about living with and for a purpose. He will remind us...
Follow Truth
This sermon clip was taken from the message series, “Life Lessons from Jesus.” The message series wa...
Seek God First
Trust, seek, walk are the key elements to experience all that Jesus has for us. Yet worry tends to g...
Practice Focused Prayer
Communication is the best indicator of a healthy relationship. Prayer is our communication line with...
Get Personal With God
Walking with Jesus is about being on a personal, intimate, and authentic journey with Jesus that is ...
Be A Positive Reflection
As Christians we are called to guide toward and preserve the truth. In this message Youth and Family...
Kingdom Blessings
In this message Pastor Bill will start our new series by speaking about kingdom blessings and look a...
In My Grief
In the turmoil of life we can rest assured that Jesus always shows up. It may not be on our timefram...
In My Fear
In this message about finding God in periods of fear, Pastor Bill will shows us how we can deal with...
In My Anxiety and Depression
Pastor Bill continues his hope-filled message series, "Where Is God?" The message series discusses C...
In Who I Am
The backdrop of our mental struggles can be the wrestling match with our identity. Pastor Bill kicks...