Growth Groups

Real people. Real life-change.
The craziness of life tends to push us to our limits. We may feel incredibly overwhelmed or like we are running on empty. We were never created to do this thing called “life” on our own.
At Impact, we believe there needs to be some regular time to refresh ourselves with some real friendships. We believe that God created us to experience the highs and lows of life together. Growth Groups are a place to find real friendships that are focused on sharing life together as we grow stronger by following Jesus.
Whether you're new to Impact or you've been attending for years, Growth Groups are a great place to get to know new people and form meaningful relationships in a relaxed environment.
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Whatever life stage you are in, there is a group for you to connect
If you would like more information on our available Growth Groups or would like to be connected to a current Growth Group please use the "FIND A GROUP" button or email We have a variety of ongoing groups and new groups form regularly.
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