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Living Life Backwards - Better Way to Work
While climbing the corporate ladder seems like it would be ultimately satisfying…is it? Maybe there'...
Living Life Backwards - Bursting the Bubble
Dive into the profound wisdom of Ecclesiastes with our series 'Living Life Backwards,' which challen...
Becoming A Champion - Train With Our Eyes on the Prize
“Everyone who competes”…Greek word “agonizomai” is where we get the word- “agonize”. It takes effort...
Becoming a Champion - Race Like a Champion
Drawing inspiration from the Olympics, this message delves into the dedication and discipline requir...
Abraham - Sight Through Trial
Through difficulty, God produces in us that which we would never have seen without trial. When Abrah...
Abraham - Trust in Turbulent Circumstances
When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, Abraham trusted that God would provide. Jus...
Abraham - Breaking Habitual Behaviors
Even though we have a new life in Christ, old habits are hard to break. We see Abraham struggle with...
Abraham - Patience for Our Own Good
The purpose of Abraham’s waiting is revealed when he is able to pray and intercede for others while ...
Abraham - Waiting Well
After waiting over a decade for God’s promise of a child to be fulfilled, Abraham and Sarah take mat...
Abraham - When Faith Falters
Immediately after demonstrating an incredible act of faith by leaving his homeland, we see Abraham f...
Abraham - God IS Still Faithful
In Abraham’s first refining moment, he leaves his homeland following the call of God. The Abrahamic ...
Bigger Than Me - Do It Afraid
Many of us have something we’d love to accomplish, but there is always an excuse for not doing it. A...
Bigger Than Me - The Power Behind Teamwork
Paul did not do everything. He, as well as all of us, have unique parts to play in the mission of th...
Bigger Than Me - Effective Time Management
In prison, Paul used his time well. Life on mission did not take a break. Paul prayed for the church...
Bigger Than Me - Purpose With a Vision
Paul was prepared in season and out of season (2 Timothy - 4:2). Life on mission comes with a vision...